When shipping your car internationally, you will be required to send certain documents or copies of these to your shipping agent prior to departure. This will help to assist with the vehicle shipping procedure and make the process a lot smoother for all involved.
Car Keys – We will require you to leave a key with the vehicle for both the ignition and for the immobiliser. If your vehicle is being shipped by roll on/roll services your vehicle will need to be driven on and off the vessel or in and out of the container. Your key will be with your vehicle when you go to collect but it is also advised to make sure to have a spare key with you when you collect. It has been known in the past to have the key go missing or misplaced. Although this does not happen often I am glad to say however it is still a possibility.
Copy of the vehicle registration paperwork (V5C or Title document also known as the log book) – We also require a copy of the vehicle registration paperwork. The original will need to be sent to the arrival destination or to your agent who will be clearing your vehicle through customs. DO NOT under any circumstances leave this paperwork either inside the vehicle or with the collection company delivering your vehicle to the port as it can go missing on route to the arrival port at destination.
Photo copy of passport – For security reasons we will require a copy of the photo page of your (shippers) passport. This document will stay on your file only and is not shared with any third parties whatsoever. This is only required if you are private individual shipping a vehicle overseas, the same rule does not apply if you are a legally trading company.
Purchase Invoice or Valuation – We will require a copy of the purchase invoice for your vehicle or an up to date valuation to show the vehicles value. The copy invoice or valuation will be required at your destination to assist in the agent working out the duty and taxes applicable.
Import Permits – Depending on the country you are shipping to, you may be required to apply and obtain an import permit prior to shipping your vehicle. It is best to check with your local agent if this will be required as failure to have this in place may result in your vehicle being refused entry at the country of arrival.
In all aspects of shipping research is key to the success of your vehicle arriving at your destination without issue. For further information contact First Base Freight today on Tel:(0)1495 320540 or Mob: (0)7513 898320.